Cooler weather is here and depending on what part of the United States you live in, it could actually be snowing where you are and that is the time we need to start keeping warm by pulling our the sweaters, blankets and lighting the fireplace.
Doggies need to be warm and feel loved too and there isn't a better place to find that special something than at Posh Puppy Boutique!
Posh Puppy Boutique has a great NEW ARRIVAL and think that your little gold digger needs this bed in a bag. The Juicy Couture Stocking Sleeping Bag Bed is warm and precious with the polka dotted pattern and with its snuggleness wishes your baby a sweet dream. "Doggy Couture" is embroidery on front, faux fur trim and lining inside and fits small

This wonderfully made Plush dog bed is luxurious and inside has upscale diva pink fur. Made of Cotton 80% / 20% Polyester and measures: 33inx19in. This just has to be the perfect gift for any little girl!! Nothing but JUICY COUTURE for your little girl!
Want to match the bed for your little girl and just have to have it be Juicy Couture? - You could visit an entire line of Juicy Couture at Posh Puppy Boutique.
Posh Puppy Boutique has precious new arrivals from Juicy Couture that will make you want to get one for yourself!!!

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