While getting ready to carve your pumpkins and get out your scarecrows, don’t forget to shop early for Halloween costumes for you kiddo AND your pet!~ Yes, I said your PET!
Pet costumes are a BIG thing these days. Doesn’t matter if you have a small, short, big or dumpy dog, there are costumes and outfits for each one. There are also many sizes as well. Maybe you have a large dog, or a super petite baby, whatever.. they have it!

We always know what our kids want to be for Halloween as they start to tell us months early however since our dogs cannot express what they want to be; we must go with their personality.
Maybe your dog is rough and would like to be a biker , or soft and sweet and could be a fairy princess. Maybe he is short and squatty like mine and wants to be a hot dog, or a little grumpy and would like to be a witch. Whatever your dogs “mood” or “demeanor” there is a dog costume for yours!!!
All outfi

So, don’t forget your “man’s best friend” and the one that is “always there for you”. Get an outfit, or toy or even just a neck scrunchy for your dog but please don’t leave him out.

Posh Puppy has the latest Pet Halloween costumes and in order to get in time, order early!
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