Monday, March 29, 2010

Reflect Your Love For Doggies With Specially Designed Dog Lover Collection

A majority of dog lovers want to show their love for their loving dogs like anything. They do all kinds of things (buying designer dog costumes, fashion accessories, and dog toys) to keep their dog happy. Even after doing all that they want a way to show their commitment and love for their fur babies. To...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Buy Luxurious and stylish Dog Jewelry with posh puppy boutique

Posh Puppy Boutique (the upscale online dog boutique) has introduced a new range of stylish dog jewelry in order to provide new and impressive look to every doggies. Jewelry is among the most popular element of fashion. Modern dog fashion is also not an exception. Dog owners love their doggies to...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Enjoy Latest Updates From Posh Puppy Boutique at Facebook

Posh Puppy Boutique on FacebookPosh Puppy Boutique has impressive presence over Facebook. The prominent dog fashion boutique has made its entry on Facebook in order to keep its customers informed about the latest updates and innovative and stylish products being introduced every day. About...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Out with old.... in with the new!!!!

As the long winter tries to dwindle away, it is time to pack up those doggie turtle necks and boots and unpack the bright colors and nifty little cotton shirts for your dog! Yes…it is that time of year again; time to go shopping for new spring clothes not just for you but for your Pooch too! Since...

Friday, March 12, 2010

We all have our Wish List

As animal lovers, we know that we need to be doing more for animals and for pet organizations everywhere. It is hard sometimes to balance the needs of so many and still be able to focus on what we need and have to do in our own world. Pet adoption is so crucial to the animal world and many of us are...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Take care of those Chompers!

With all the sweets lately, Christmas, Valentine's and now Easter upon us we make sure our teeth are good and healthy. What about your four legged friend? How are his teeth? He doesn't have hands to pick up food so his teeth are his only resource to food and eating. There are so many products to...