Friday, January 29, 2010

Pet many types to choose from!

We all love our pets so much, but to what extend does that love go? Would we ask those sweet little doggies to sleep on a cold floor? Heck no! Not my sweet pups! Just like humans, pet beds come in a variety of sizes, colors, brands, price range and comfort. Some pet beds look just like our human furniture...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tools for the Teeth!

We are so busy with our own periodontal care, trips to the Dentist, teeth whitening, gum care and flossing that we forget that our pet’s teeth are of great importance too.. until we smell that breath! MAN! What did he eat? Your dog probably won’t LOVE having their chompers brushed but it really...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Valentine's Day is about love...

Valentine’s Day is one month away and it is a time to let those we love know it! Don’t forget the one who loves you unconditionally, the one that doesn’t care what you look like, or how much money you make, or even that you have been a bit grumpy lately. Your dog is beside you all the time and loves...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter blast and your pets

With the Artic Blast headed our way and colder temperatures than normal across the country and some wind chills down to zero, it is so important to keep our family pets safe and warm. Because animals rely on their human caregivers to keep them safe, especially in these harsh winter months, it is...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pets are making a big statements in the United States!

You have seen the commercials, watched the videos about animal cruelty and for me, I cannot hardly continue to watch as it becomes too heart-wrenching. There could be a light at the end of the tunnel for pet's everywhere! Pet stores all around the US are making a statement of faith by putting up the...