Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's not too late to dress him up!

If you are running behind and don’t have time to go out and buy your pet a Halloween costume, there are many things sitting around your house that you can figure out a SPOOKY get up for your pooch! Here are a few ideas for a Homemade pet costume: (Remember you can use regular clothes, items and...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

SPIT out that gum!

You wouldn’t think that chewing gum could hurt your dog, but this SPOOKY season, BEWARE cause it can! When your kids are unloading their Halloween treats make sure you keep your doggie away from the candy and especially the gum, especially the sugar free gum! The Xylitol in sugarless gum can be...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Patience is a Virtue!

Halloween is almost here and that means that your pet will be sporting his favorite Halloween costume! If you are like me and enjoy taking pictures, it is a must to know how to take the best pictures of your pets. Suggestions for taking pet pictures are: 1/  Use treats : Bribery and motivation...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Did your "Buddy" make the cut?

Every year I just anticipate the arrival of the Top Dog Breeds of the Year announced by the American Kennel Club. With 2010 approaching I thought I would give a re-cap of this years “top dogs”. The 2009 Top Dog Breeds of the Year are: Yorkshire Terriers Also known as “Yorkies”, these small but spunky...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Is your buddy getting "Pudgy"?

With winter fast approaching and the weather outside changing, Fido may not be getting his exercise~chasing birds and Frisbees and frolicking in the sun and may pack on a few pounds or so. Since we all try to take care of ourselves with our memberships to the gym and our “mall walking” friends, why...

Oh... what to wear today?

How do you know which line to buy for your dog’s fall fashion statement? At Posh Puppy Boutique we outfit your babies with the finest dog fashion clothing around! We have the top designers in the canine world. Our line of dog fashion ranges from sweaters to bathing suits and we even have accessories.Oh,...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Be a Superhero in October and Adopt a DOG!

October is such a fun and spooky Month, lots going on with events, parties and just life but can also be a productive life changing month for you and your family. If you have been thinking of adopting a dog, now is the time to do it. October is Adopt a Dog Month! I personally believe and support...